Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Kathmandu Project

Even with three days left, Surendra Lawoti who is a Nepali photographer based in Toronto has already managed to reach his goal of raising $4,500 through the website indiegogo. The current raised total stands at $4,625 and there is still time for you guys to contribute towards the project.

By following the link on to his fundraiser page you will see a detailed budget plan of where exactly the money will be spent. From buying camera equipments to plane fares, the money will all be utilised in completing Surendra's Kathmandu Project which highlights the landscape in transformation. Below is an excerpt from the page regarding what the project is about.
Project Description
According to a recent census, Kathmandu Valley’s population has almost doubled in the last ten years. Kathmandu does not have the supporting infrastructures to support this influx. What once used to be fertile agricultural land is now covered with boxed houses. Gated housing developments like in American suburbs are being built. In fact Kathmandu saw its own housing bubble. Banks heavily invested in real estate lending easily available loans. On the other hand, the poor and the landless live in one of many squatter settlements in the city. On the streets, there are traffic jams. There is pollution. And there are severe environmental concerns. What once used to be beautiful Baghmati River now is stagnant with stink, plastic bottles and garbage.

Kathmandu is an orgy of visual chaos. I want to spend five weeks in July and August of 2012 photographing Kathmandu. I plan to be on top of people’s houses, on office buildings, on the streets and in the squatter settlements photographing the urban landscape. For a photographer like me, who revels in visual pandemonium, Kathmandu is heavenly. I want to make striking and formally intricate images that distil the truth of modern Kathmandu.